Saturday 28 March 2009

From the beginning...

Well, where do I start? So much has happened in my life recently that I have reflected on many things, mostly about myself. Somethings I have embraced with much gusto and others, well lets just say, have made me see me for who I really am! I decided to write a blog because I want my friends and family to know how I am doing and how I am generally. You see, we are all over the place and I love to share my experiences, my life to date or as close as possible without spilling too many beans or juicy bits!

I was born in Australia. A beautiful place called Myrtleford in the state of Victoria. My parents are Spanish so a varied upbringing in an Italian community, but non the less, the best childhood anyone could ever have. I was lucky enough to have dual nationality, both Spanish and Australian and to have been taught several languages was something that I later realised would come in very handy indeed! Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, thank you Mum and Dad. Gallego, the oldest Spanish language and of course English; I would say my mother tongue. Apparently, the Spanish would have spoken Gallego instead of Castellano if the Catholic Kings Isabel and Alfonso had come from Galicia instead of Castilla. It's a language with it's own right as is Euskadi and Catalan (historical facts).

We lived on many farms as my parents were farmers but the one I remember the most is one in an area known as the King Valley and named Kooyonga meaning 'plentiful', so many Aboriginal connections. So beautiful...

Having decided to leave once I was 18 as it was boring and very rural. I wanted to find excitement and adventure, grab it with both hands and shake it till I was dizzy! I found myself in Spain, where I did not have the best time of my life, but still a life changing time for me. After a few years I decided to come home as I was missing my family terribly.

In 1991 I found myself in London. Found a job and even fell in love, well what I thought was love. The rest of that story to follow some other time!

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